Saturday, April 30, 2011

Smug As Pug With a Bug

Life: it sneaks up on you. What can I say? One day, you're ankle deep in mud pretending to be Godzilla, and the next, you are eight shots of espresso deep in an Anatomy book, wondering if you shall ever see the sun again. It's strange to think that there ever was another life besides this, and, yet, I'm always wishing that I had such a life.

As it stands, two study days are between me and my first final. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for me to learn all that needs to be learned. I know that others in my class find themselves in the same difficult and taxing position of mediocrity that I find myself in, and that some sit in far more perilous positions. As we approach finals, my fondest prayer and wish is that my entire class and I shall emerge victorious from finals with our heads held high and be able to exclaim that we survived first year and made it to second year.

The Final Countdown:
Monday: Study butt off for Anatomy. >_<
Tuesday: ANATOMY FINAL!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHH!!!!! T_T
Wednesday: Virology Final
Thursday: Physiology Final
Friday: Epidemiology Final >_<
Satuday: Move to new apartment.
Sunday: Study for Parasitology.
Monday: Parsitology Final (AND SWEET SUMMER FREEDOM!!!!!)
Tuesday-Sunday: Sleep! <3
Monday: Back to work at the clinic. ^_^ Yay Monies!

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