I could miss 13 questions on today's Gross Anatomy exam and still pass the class with a C. Today, I missed exactly 13 questions (12 as I discovered later because a question was thrown out). So, everyone who has been praying/blessing/hoping/wishing/good-lucking/thinking of me, THANKS SO MUCH! WE DID IT!
This joy so overshadows the fact that I have a microanatomy final tomorrow that I have barely even looked at, and I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours a night for a while now. *happy sigh*
3 more finals to go, and I'm home free. On Thursday, my boyfriend's coming up to spend a few days with me and go to Mecha's graduation, and then, Saturday after the graduation, I'm headed home to spend some quality time with my family, my animals, and sleep! <3
The Final Countdown: 3 DAYS!!!!!!
Tuesday: Microanatomy Final
Wednesday: P.D. Final
Thursday: Immunology Final
Friday- January 9-10thish: SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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