As the release of Deathly Hallows looms in the background like a bad disease, gripping myself and my comrades in its steely fists, I sit here and think about how I've always wanted to go to the midnight release of a Harry Potter movie. I know. I'm geeky and weird, but we're covered this already. If you are still reading this blog, you are no longer concerned with these aspects of my nature. As the first part of the last movie releases, I have never seen one of the midnight openings. I shan't tonight either though, I'm afraid. With my respiratory physiology test running first thing tomorrow morning that is neither a good idea or a lucrative one. Unfortunately, I'm forced to hold out to the last movie to see the midnight release, but it does open on July 15 which is during the summer, so I won't have any school related issues.
So, to my friends and strangers that read this blog, I shall be at the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows Part 2 at 12am on July 15th, and because I have missed every other release, I hope to be accompanied by a huge band of comrades to shelter me from the screaming fangirls.
Getting away from my Potter related rant, I must say that humans never cease to confuse me. It seems as though every time I give up faith in humanity, some person steps up to redeem it. Today, as I bumbled across the parking lot carrying 60lbs of dog food and finally dropped them, an undergrad dropped his cell phone call to pick them up and carry them to my car. I don't know who you were, strange kind citizen of humanity, but thank you. You seriously made my day.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Life Is a Grapefruit...
...Sometimes it's a little sour, but you just have to suck it up, add a little sugar and you'll soon find out that it's a lot sweeter than you originally thought.
Crap happens. It's a fact of life. Life without crap= a free ride. Seems easy enough, but without the bad times to make the good times better, you can't truly appreciate them. It's simply the way things are.
Sitting a little less than 22 days away from the freedom of having this semester over, I realize that I am almost 11.2% done with my vet school life. It seems strange to think that I have made it this far and survived this long. I'm on my last full week of classes as the time narrows between myself and exams. Silently, I wonder if I will pass Anatomy. With hope, I look toward the promise of Christmas break and the family and friends that I shall spend time with.
Crap happens. It's a fact of life. Life without crap= a free ride. Seems easy enough, but without the bad times to make the good times better, you can't truly appreciate them. It's simply the way things are.
Sitting a little less than 22 days away from the freedom of having this semester over, I realize that I am almost 11.2% done with my vet school life. It seems strange to think that I have made it this far and survived this long. I'm on my last full week of classes as the time narrows between myself and exams. Silently, I wonder if I will pass Anatomy. With hope, I look toward the promise of Christmas break and the family and friends that I shall spend time with.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Microanatomy, I Think We Need To See Other People.
So, Microanatomy test today. Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!
After many hours of study, I find it certain that I know almost nothing about histology. Every tiny structure looks the same as every other tiny structure. On the good side, I'm out at 12 and when I come home, I can just sleep until Monday if I choose.
Oh sleep. I forgot you existed.
After many hours of study, I find it certain that I know almost nothing about histology. Every tiny structure looks the same as every other tiny structure. On the good side, I'm out at 12 and when I come home, I can just sleep until Monday if I choose.
Oh sleep. I forgot you existed.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wisdom From a 23 Year Old
We all exist, day by day, with the hope that someday we will become great. Whether we expect that greatness to be world-wide, community-wide, or simply family-wide is completely up to the individual. But, in some way, we all expect to become great.
Think about when we were children. We would always say, "When I grow up, I want to be (insert job title here)" or "When I grow up, I want to be just like (insert family member, mentor, or personal hero here)". The truth is, even as children, we set pretty high standards for ourselves, often standards we could never fulfill. The sad part of life is waking up one day and realizing that few people ever actually become great. In fact, out of billions of people in the world, only a handful ever achieve greatness and success.
Whenever I am drawn to this topic, I always think about the song "Revolution" by the Beatles. You know the line. "You say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all wanna change the world." That's just the thing. Everyone wants to change the world and everyone wants to be great.
Sometimes, I think we need to take a step back from changing the entire world to just changing one aspect of it. Alone, I cannot stop animal suffering, but I can educate one owner on how to properly care for their pet. They, in turn, can extend that education to others. Alone, I cannot alleviate poverty and hunger, but I can feed one person for one night. Maybe, in the end, there are no great and powerful people. Perhaps, humanity itself, is a pretty great and powerful thing, especially when we allow it to be used for good.
After 23 years, I am fully sure of the fact that I, alone, will never be a great and powerful hero, but if I can save one life or teach one person for the good of everything, aren't I just as great and powerful as my heroes?
Think about when we were children. We would always say, "When I grow up, I want to be (insert job title here)" or "When I grow up, I want to be just like (insert family member, mentor, or personal hero here)". The truth is, even as children, we set pretty high standards for ourselves, often standards we could never fulfill. The sad part of life is waking up one day and realizing that few people ever actually become great. In fact, out of billions of people in the world, only a handful ever achieve greatness and success.
Whenever I am drawn to this topic, I always think about the song "Revolution" by the Beatles. You know the line. "You say you want a revolution? Well, you know, we all wanna change the world." That's just the thing. Everyone wants to change the world and everyone wants to be great.
Sometimes, I think we need to take a step back from changing the entire world to just changing one aspect of it. Alone, I cannot stop animal suffering, but I can educate one owner on how to properly care for their pet. They, in turn, can extend that education to others. Alone, I cannot alleviate poverty and hunger, but I can feed one person for one night. Maybe, in the end, there are no great and powerful people. Perhaps, humanity itself, is a pretty great and powerful thing, especially when we allow it to be used for good.
After 23 years, I am fully sure of the fact that I, alone, will never be a great and powerful hero, but if I can save one life or teach one person for the good of everything, aren't I just as great and powerful as my heroes?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Maxine Is a Heavy Drinker...And We All Know It.
This week is ABLEs week. For those that are unsure what that means, it stands for Application Based Learning Exercises. Basically, a group of 7 students along with a teacher coordinator that mediates discussion works through a case while being given only tiny pieces at a time and researching to get that info.
Some people love it and think it's the best thing ever. No class, only research. Personally, it's my worst nightmare. Put me in a group of people, make me discuss material I'm not comfortable with, and then send me to do 10-12 hours of research. Yuck. After 3 days of this, I'm starting to think I'm losing my mind. Oh well. Two more days and then I can enjoy a weekend without research. Thank goodness.
Some people love it and think it's the best thing ever. No class, only research. Personally, it's my worst nightmare. Put me in a group of people, make me discuss material I'm not comfortable with, and then send me to do 10-12 hours of research. Yuck. After 3 days of this, I'm starting to think I'm losing my mind. Oh well. Two more days and then I can enjoy a weekend without research. Thank goodness.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Human System Reboot in 3...2...1
After an Immunology test Friday (subsequently no sleep Thursday night) and long weekend of studying for the Cardiovascular Physiology test today (meaning no sleep Sunday night), I can say with all honesty that the very very last thing I wanted to do today was start ABLES and spend 5 hours doing research which I am now typing up and organizing for tomorrow.
Again, I miss you, Sleep.
Again, I miss you, Sleep.
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