Now, I guess I'll catch you up (if anyone is still around that cares). I passed my 2nd year of vet school. It was a fierce struggle against Pharmacology and Clin Path, but I proved myself worthy to make it through. I did my first surgery last October, a spay on a sweet little terrier. It was nerve wracking, but we all made it through just fine. ^-^
This March during Spring Break, my boyfriend of then almost six years proposed to me at the beach. I said yes..Shocks all around, I'm sure. We decided that we'd get married during one of my breaks during 4th year clinics biding my schedule. It just so happened that this September, despite the lottery system for selection numbers that is now in place, I ended up with the perfect clinics schedule complete with a perfect two week break in June with a beautiful date of June 22. So, we're at 8 months and counting. ^____^
In July, I got to attend one of my dream cons, so I headed up to Baltimore, MD for Otakon with Pyro and two of our wonderful friends. It was such a massive con, and we not only got to experience the con, but got to see Washington DC as well. With a pair of epically kawaii necomimi ears, I headed home to spend the last few weeks before the start of school.
This semester has been neither stunningly difficult or a walk in the park. Radiology is the devil as I knew it would be, but I managed to pass the first exam, so we'll see what the other two hold for me. I finished my last ABLEs (number 6)last week and could not be happier to never look back on them. It seems like just yesterday I was on here complaining about how much I disliked the first ABLEs. It's crazy how quickly time passes.
Repro is probably the more entertaining class of the semester. Thankfully, the cows rectums shall keep us warm despite the cold temperature outside. I'm pretty sure all the palpations in the universe shall never adequately acquaint me with the layout of the cow's repro tract.

And the part that I'm sure you all missed the most...The Countdown:
6 1/2 weeks of classes left until finals and 8 weeks (52 Days!!!!!!!!!!!) until I'm home for Christmas break. And the time can not pass quickly enough...
7 Quizzes, 4 Exams, 6 Finals, and 1 Behavior Project until Christmas Break!!!!!!
Friday 26- Animal Behavior Midterm
Radiology Quiz #5
Fri. 2- Reproduction Exam #2
Radiology Quiz #6
Fri. 9- Multispecies Medicine Exam #2
Radiology Quiz #7
Mon. 12- Radiology Exam #2 (God help us....)
Fri. 16- Cardiology Final (Alas....The week of doom is over...)
Radiology Quiz #8 (Why must we suffer?!)
Sat. 17/Sun. 18- Advanced Nutrition Elective
Mon. 19- Behavior Project Due
Wed. 21- Respiratory Exam #2
Thurs. 22-Sun. 25- Thanksgiving Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri. 30- Radiology Quiz #9
December: (FINALS COUNTDOWN!!!!!)
Tues.-Wed. 4-5- Study Days
Thurs. 6- Respiratory Final
Fri. 7- MSM Final
Mon. 10- Radiology Final (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!)
Tues. 11- Repro. Final
Wed. 12- Animal Behavior Final
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SWEET FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!