The semester came and went without much to speak about. I survived, though barely, in some aspects. I suppose the best I have to offer is that I'm still here, trudging down the vet school path. Now for the battle damage breakdown:
Through some serious kindness and curving on behalf of my Gross Anatomy professor, I managed to come out with a C+. Which, might I mention, is the first C that I've ever gotten for a class in my entire life though I take it gratefully and with more joy than I've taken better grades. Through some miracle, I managed to pull a B out of Physiology by getting a 105 on the final. I'm just not going to ask questions. It's better that way.
On Thursday, I got an email from my Bacteriology teacher telling me that he curved the grades a bit more to make the class average an 84, and it pushed me from a B+ to an A in the class. I hope my downstairs neighbor isn't too angry at me for jumping up and down and screaming so loudly for an hour. ^-~
I came out with A's in C.C.E. and Physical Diagnosis, proving for good that I'm fantastic at bullshitting and recognizing cows.
The Microanatomy final was rough, at best. It pulled down everyone's final grade in the class, so my A went to a B. I also came out with a B+ in Immunology though it was the very last final, and I was running on caffeine and hope. So, I'm happy to take it.
So, I made it! 11.1% or 1/9th of a veterinarian, at your service! It was much harder than I ever imagined that vet school would be. At times, I wanted nothing more than to run, screaming out of my window. I was afraid I wouldn't make it, but this semester showed me that sometimes incredibly impossible things happen. I'm very fortunate, to say the very least.