Saturday, December 4, 2010

Clinically Blonde?

So, after a long day of studying anatomy and feeling rather dejected, I was delighted to find that Legally Blonde was on TBS tonight. I know it may seem rather silly, but it's always been one of my favorite movies. Something about it always makes me feel so good about everything. I guess I've always found myself to be an outsider. I've always been different and strange. I've never really fit in anywhere, not in high school, not in undergrad, and, to a certain extent, not in vet school. I'm just different. It's not a bad thing, by any means. It's something I've always appreciated and acknowledged openly. Sometimes, I think we let ourselves fall into the trap of hating how different we are from everyone else. I know that I do, anyway.

Like Elle conquered law school, at first being irrationally different from everyone else in her class, I know that I can conquer vet school. I may be off the wall at times. My zombie converses and cartoon tshirts might seem a little unorthodox as professional attire, but, in the end, I have a passion and drive for what I'm doing. This semester, my biggest struggle has been against Gross Anatomy. I have nightmares about it when I'm not studying it, actually. However, I want with all my heart to care for the medical needs of animals, and I always have. I just hope that I can do well enough on my exam on Monday to prove that.

The Final Countdown:
Sunday: Study ass off for anatomy....T_T
Monday: Gross Anatomy Final (T_T) (A.K.A.- D Day!!)
Tuesday: Microscopic Anatomy Final (Also, online C.C.E. Final is due.)
Wednesday: Physical Diagnosis Final
Thursday: Immunology Final
Friday-January 9thish= SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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