Thursday, March 3, 2011

Since I Was a Little Kitten...

...I had a dream.

It's days like this that only watching Cats Don't Dance will suffice to ease my pain. Unfortunately, I don't have Cats Don't Dance up here with me. Forgive me while I go into a dark corner and be emo for several hours.

The past two weeks hav been most terrible, most terrible indeed. It started last Thursday with an Anatomy quiz from hell that I ended up making a 7.5/15 on. Yes, that is a 50%. As the class has very few points in total, it was a devastating blow to my average which is now a 68. (I feel I can be honest with anyone that reads this. I'm not going to pretend to be better than I am, afterall.) I have no idea how I'm going to pull my average up. I would have to make grades on the remaining 2 quizzes, exam, and final that I haven't made yet. Just pray for me. I really need it.

The horrible streak continued with the Epidemiology Mid-term on Friday after my two hours of sleep. I don't know how I did as we haven't gotten it back, but I just hope that I got a C on it. The Parasitology exam on Monday wasn't too bad in itself, but the continuing sleep deprivation finally paid its toll on the Physiology quiz on Wednesday. 40 questions in 30 minutes in a class that takes me longer to process than any other one. I didn't even get to finish the blasted thing! I just filled in circles to turn it in on time. Worst part? Round two is next Wednesday, and together they count for 25% of our final Physio grade.

I hate to rant and whine. I just feel so stupid and useless. I feel like everyone is doing better than me despite how hard I try. I just want to pass this semester and move onto next semester. I can't salvage this shipwreck and turn it into a polished turd. I just want to hit shore so that I can board the next ship, but I'm so tired of trying to scoop water out of this sinking hell hole. I can't stay ahead.

Now, back to Anatomy.

Spring Break in 9 Days, a Physio quiz, and an Anatomy Exam.
Summer Break (a.k.a.- Sweet Serenity) in 66 Days, 6 Exams, 3 Quizzes, and 5 Finals.

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